Sunday, January 20, 2013

Zuma Dogg on "Prophet Energy," "Sixth Sense" (Non-Verbal Commuication, in every day life) and NLP [@ZumaDogg Tweets in a Blog Post - 01-20-13] DEEP, PROFOUND SHIZNIT, Y'ALL...Enlighten up!

  1. : Because all the world IS a it, or not: Zuma Dogg's : "CREATIVE EMPOWERMENT"
  2. "CREATIVE EMPOWERMENT" is based on Deming (Quality/Productivity), Ries&Trout (Marketing/Product), & Meta-Physics.
  3. FYI: (L.A. performing legend/icon, known as "Zuma Dogg") is like TonyClifton/AndyKaufman. Andy is gone, and Tony is tweeting, now.
  4. CITYWIDE ELECTIONS in LOS ANGELES (March 5): Here's 's pop song about City elections: "Start Up The Show!"
  5. If YOU need to do some hootin' & hollerin to get fired up!: "Venice Boardwalk West" - -NGER! Listen now:
  6. GOOD SUNDAY TUNE: Marvin Gaye asks you to "Save L.A." w (duet/mostly Marvin, though.) KINDA a must listen.
  7. 6thSense: I LOVED FREE ebook, "ADVANCED NLP for ADVANCED MINDS [Non-Verbal Communication Factors]" at . By
  8. EVEN CONSULTANTS USE CONSULTANTS: Tweet =will check your site, for "Quality/Marketing"=social media issues, or A-OK!
  9. It's a basic, home-made website; but the material is praised by Deming/TRobbins/ARies/JTrout/BobPittman/QualityDigest:
  10. I sent Deming/TonyRobbins/AlRies/JackTrout/BobPittman my articles on marketing/quality; THEY send back letters of praise. Read w confidence.
  11. Tweeted scientific stuff on 6thSense=so U can perhaps equate 1+1=2. But, let me say, specifically, OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES TO THE INVISIBLE!
  12. "Everything humans need=provided by creator." BUT, we felt need to create "radio" to send/transmit non-material info. Again=all is provided.
  13. 6thSense: U R ARROGANT=U think Man can generate non-material waves to send info/communicate (radio), but creator of universe/us can/did not?
  14. 6thSense: Non-material communication we LEAK includes; facel gestures/body language/movements, tonality & MAINLY electro-energy (spirit).
  15. 6thSense: Ever speak w folks (salesperson/stranger)=they SOUND convincing (words), but you JUST GET BAD VIBE? HUMANS SEND NON-MATERIAL INFO.
  16. SINGERS/RAPPERS: You can OWN this beat, as your own for .99cents! 'Come with Me (no hook)' by
  17. Oh no...I HATE when another comedian is funny! Your Seacrest/Playoffs comment is HILARIOUS, so I checked to see who said it.
  18. Why is freakin' RYAN SEACREST doing football playoff games now? Really? How many jobs does this douchebag need? Go away!
  19. Been reading meta-physical stuff, and realize; REASON L.A. calls me GENIUS/PROPHET is I choose to accept collective conscious and speak it.
  20. : Humans are not robot machines, sadly; and ALL KINDS of NON VERBAL info LEAKS OUT: Body language, voice tones, facial gestures, SPIRIT!
  21. 6thSense: As speaker on agenda items, Council accused me of researching round clock=but ALL IMPROV! Collective conscious IS REAL & SCREAMING
  22. 6thSENSE: Invisiblel waves are sent through air=U can MAGICALLY receive them: It's called RADIO. If MAN can create that, can't our creator?
  23. 6thSense: SO OBVIOUS & you CONTINUE to come up w excuses why FEELINGS/VIBES/EVENTS/INSTINCTS are COINCIDENCE. You believe in RADIO STATIONS?
  24. Humans send/receive 6th Sense (non-material) energy. If MAN created this MECHANICAL process (radio) don't you think creator of ALL can, too?
  25. PROPHETS: World is ALL FUCKED UP, because there is SCREAMING NON-MATERIAL ENERGY like radio signals you tune in on radio, AND YOU IGNORE IT.
  26. Do you believe in PROPHETS? Then why not, today? Did humans change? No. Then why not, today? Part of "seeing" future is knowing past.
  27. : Scott, your PDF report on -based human rapport/non-verbal is WORLD-CLASS, TOP-NOTCH and ALL TRUE!!!
  28. : Kevin James on TV, about PENSIONS=he talked about Council's salary, again & didn't mention Villar's pension commisioners=IN JAIL!
  29. 75 ORIGINAL HITS by the ORIGINAL ARTIST: - Anthology: Anyone come up w THIS much FUN in ONE TAKE, per song?
  30. Did U die in Dec? I keep telling you, you are tweeting links to Go Daddy "Expired Dec 2012" page. Are these auto-tweets?
  31. Zuma Dogg=FIRST in U.S. to WARN of CA PENSION CRISIS (CalPERS) and BOGUS projections AND FRAUD! Do a Google Search "Zuma Dogg PensionGate"

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