"The One And Only Zuma Dogg" - Los Angeles Times

ZUMA DOGG - Greatest Hits
Mr. Dogg (Aka: "Dave")
Zuma Dogg created the reality TV concept and broadcast the first selfie-video, ever -- on his all selfie TV show. #LEGEND PIONEER/#INNOVATOR/#HISTORY: YouTube.com/ZumaDogg
Seen on Howard Stern/Nightline/Good Day LA/KABC/KNBC/KCBS/KCAL/KCET TV; full page coverage by L.A. Times/L.A. Daily News/L.A. Weekly and extensive coverage on KFI/KABC/KRLA radio. ZD is known to a wide audience in Southern California (including his #LA cable TV show that ran for ten years across Southern Cali.)
"A Malibu celebrity" - Malibu Times
"A Malibu celebrity" - Malibu Times
March 15, 2017 comment on CityWatchLA: Whitney Smith • You are really a City treasure and font of wisdom Zumie! You are so special you should actually be a ride at Disneyland. Waiting with my pen to write down your next utterance for my Inspiration Board.
- Featured by L.A. Times, L.A. Weekly, L.A. Daily News, New York Post, Wall Street Journal, ABC News Nightline, Howard Stern, Good Day L.A., CBS2, KNBC4, KABC7, KCAL9, FOX 11, KCET (PBS) & KFI, KABC, K-TALK & KRLA radio.
QUOTES ABOUT MR. DOGG (diverse legacy):
"I've seen the future of television comedy. Zuma Dogg is the only American comedian today wearing the comedy-genius mantle once borne by Lenny Bruce, Allen Funt and Andy Kaufman." - Michael Heaton/Syndicated Columnist
* "Zuma Dogg was beating me, hard. He was beating City Council, hard." - Antonio Villaraigosa/Former L.A. Mayor/2018 CA Governor Candidate
* "Brain-seizing artistry. An L.A. cable TV superstar." - LA Weekly
* "The world needs to hear Zuma Dogg sing AC/DC, 'Hell's Bells'." - Rob & Dean DeLeo/STP!
* "The world needs to hear Zuma Dogg sing AC/DC, 'Hell's Bells'." - Rob & Dean DeLeo/STP!
* "You took our concepts and extended them in way that I found very interesting." - Al Ries (Author, "Marketing Warfare"/"Focus"/"Positioning"/"22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
(l) Garcetti - (r) Dogg
* "Zuma Dogg is a crusader fighting for free-speech rights. He's been able to do it with both humor and substance." - Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti/Los Angeles Times
* "Your, "Interpreting Deming's 14 Points, " is well done. I appreciate it much." - Dr. W. Edwards Deming on "Interpreting Deming's 14 Points," by Zuma Dogg. (Published internationally in "Quality Digest.")
* "Dave's interpretation of 'Deming's 14 Points’ offers an invaluable take on Total Quality Management. He brings skill, passion and commitment to everything he does." - Bob Pittman/CEO iHeartMedia (April 07, 2017 quote)
* "Zuma Dogg has been a community activist in Los Angeles for more than 10 years successfully taking on City Hall on numerous occasions."/City Watch LA
* "Zuma Dogg, who is smarter than and knows more about city government than most Council members, has become something of an urban folk hero, skewering City Hall foibles and failures in his frequent public comment appearances broadcast on Channel 35. His campaign for mayor attracted a respectable number of votes." - Ron Kaye/RonKayeLA.com
* "Venice performing legend and multimedia presence." - L.A. Councilmember (Venice district) Mike Bonin
* "Not many people can sing like Zuma Dogg." - Tony Danza (Broadway/Vegas singing act)
* "L.A. needs Zuma Dogg." - Jennifer Horn/KRLA, CRN
* "And, vote for Zuma Dogg." - John & Ken Show/KFI
* "Everyone watches Zuma Dogg!" - Reggie Miller/NBA, TNT
* "It would be nice to see someone with the heroism of Zuma Dogg in office." - Kevin James/870-KRLA Radio, L.A. City Commissioner
* "I like Zuma Dogg." - Tim Conway, Jr./KFI
* "I'd just as soon vote for Zuma Dogg, as Villariagosa." - Bill Handel/KFI (Maybe ZD should run for Governor!?)
* "More Brilliant than Andrew Brietbart. Zuma Dogg fought the oppressive, tightly controlled L.A. City Council meetings presided over by Council President Eric Garcetti, who had banned video cameras. After police tried to stop Zuma Dogg from taping the council deliberations, he railed against the big shots for months, slamming Garcetti as “Garshady” on his show and on his whistleblower blog. 'Whatever happened to free speech in this country?,' Zuma Dogg asked. He prevailed against Garcetti’s rules, and now brings his cameracorder to every council meeting, as can any member of the public thanks to him." - LA Weekly.
* "You're actually one of my favorite people to watch on TV." - Former L.A. Mayor Richard Riordan to Zuma Dogg on KABC radio.
* "An original treasure of Venice." - Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl
* " A civic treasure." - Michael Higby/Mayor Sam's Blog (L.A. politics)
* "Something between stunned and amazed. We''ve never seen anything like it. I like Zuma Dogg. He's a class act." - Los Angeles City Council President Herb Wesson
* "An original treasure of Venice." - Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl
* " A civic treasure." - Michael Higby/Mayor Sam's Blog (L.A. politics)
* "Something between stunned and amazed. We''ve never seen anything like it. I like Zuma Dogg. He's a class act." - Los Angeles City Council President Herb Wesson
* "Zuma Dogg, not only one of the most recognizable figures at City Hall, cordially greeted by passersby, including police and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, he also has the ear of high-level insiders, who feed him information in the hope that he’ll expose, and possibly stop, one questionable government project or another." - LA Weekly
I was not at all prepared for the brilliance of your show.
In all honesty I was absolutely blown away. It was the most fresh, funniest, innovative thing that I've seen on television in the past five years.
You're a genius! When can we catch more shows? Do you have any of your old shows available?
honestly, you may have been the funniest person i've ever see. I was laughing so hard I woke up my girlfriend.
If i owned a big TV company your show would be on 24/7!! I have never laughed so hard for so long, it's awesome. Can't wait for the next one, me and my friends will be talkin about it for a week! lol...
How can I get a copy of tonight's episode? It was the funniest thing I've seen in years. Thank you.
I hope you know you have the best show in the history of the planet!
I was wondering if I could maybe get your Autograph...It would mean alot...I know a ton of kids at my skool that love your show too....They are always talking in your voice and going crazy..
you have the best show ever, you are the best white rapper in the world!!!
It was so beautiful that I had tears in my eyes. Let's just say I was moved.
I think your show displays a VERY intelligent and socially conscience realistic view of the world and you do it in a very original and very artistic way.
i love your show. it is the most excellent thing in all of televisionland.
My name is Lauren and let me begin by saying you are one of the finest displays of unconventional genius I've seen in a long time.
We just wanted to write to let you know how spectacular we thought your show was.
i was just wondering, if there's anyway i can buy your shows on video or something.
my boyfriend and i just stumbled upon you singing saturday night fever tunes - and we can't stop laughing - thanks...
I caught your last episode. Let me tell you that it was a Classic. The part about Elton John had me laughing all night.
Do you sell your music or dvds of your show? If not, you should. Your latest song is good as hell.
saw your show the other night and let me say,it was some of the funniest shit i've seen on tv in a long time,keep up the good work.
My girlfriend and i caught your show for the first time 3 weeks ago. I recorded it and show it around to friends. It is so g-damn funny. I keep waiting to see you somewhere.
Just to let you know, I dig what you do, you are a funny and talented person. It took me a couple shows to get it but now I got it so keep it up, look forward to the new shows.
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